§ 379. Acknowledgment out of state
(a) If deeds and other conveyances, and powers of attorney for the conveyance of lands, the acknowledgment or proof of which is taken out of state, are certified agreeably to the laws of the state, province or kingdom in which such acknowledgment or proof is taken, they shall be as valid as though the same were taken before a proper officer or court in this state. The proof of the same may be taken, and the same acknowledged with like effect before a justice, magistrate or notary public within the United States or in a foreign country, before a commissioner appointed for that purpose by the governor of this state, or before a minister, charge d'affaires, consul or vice consul of the United States in a foreign country.
(b) Acknowledgments for deeds and other conveyances, and powers of attorney for the conveyance of lands, which are taken out of state before a proper officer of this state, shall be valid as if taken within the state. (Amended 1993 (Adj. Sess.), No. 174, § 2.)