§ 810. -Conditional pardon; breach
(a) In his or her discretion, the governor may grant a pardon for offenses against the state upon the conditions as he or she judges proper. Until a person to whom a conditional pardon is granted is excused from the performance of the conditions thereof, the governor shall have all the authority, rights and powers over and in relation to the person which he or she would have if he or she were surety in the case upon the recognizance of the person before conviction, and he or she shall be the sole and exclusive judge as to whether the conditions of the pardon have been violated. If, in the judgment of the governor, the conditions have been violated, he or she may cause the person to be apprehended and returned to his or her former condition of custody that execution of sentence may be complied with.
(b) Whenever a person is conditionally pardoned, the commissioner shall be furnished with a copy of the conditional pardon signed by the governor, setting forth the name of the person, the nature of the crime of which he or she was convicted, the date and place of trial and sentence, and the terms of the conditional pardon. Such copy of the conditional pardon shall be full authority for the exercise by the commissioner of all rights and powers over and in relation to the person prescribed by law and the order of the governor and shall be a sufficient warrant for the detention of the person as provided in subsection (c) of this section.
(c) The commissioner may detain for safekeeping at a correctional facility any person who has allegedly violated the terms of his or her conditional pardon as ordered by the governor, pending a conference with the advisory parole board at its next regularly scheduled meeting, or the governor, such period of detention not to exceed 30 days. The nature of the alleged violation shall be considered by the advisory parole board and recommendation made to the governor. (Added 1971, No. 199 (Adj. Sess.), § 20.)