§ 1108. -Acceptance or rejection of bids; conditions of contracts
The commissioner of buildings and general services may require satisfactory bonds from bidders and contractors, and shall specify in each contract for printing that, in case the matter contracted for is not delivered to the state librarian or in accordance with his or her written order to such other person as may be specified in the contract, on or before the date specified in the contract for such delivery, $25.00 of the contract price shall be deducted for every day such delivery is delayed, and, in case the delay exceeds 10 days, there shall be deducted in addition to the above amount $10.00 for each day's delay over 10 days; and he or she shall also specify in each contract that all public documents and printed matter shall be delivered to the state librarian at the state library unless otherwise directed in writing by him or her or the state librarian. The provisions of this section and section 1107 of this title relating to advertising and bids shall not apply to a contract for printing where the amount of the contract does not exceed $50.00. (Amended 1961, No. 30, § 1, eff. March 17, 1961; 1995, No. 148 (Adj. Sess.), § 4(a), eff. May 6, 1996.)