§ 3003. Name
The name of a cooperative governed by this chapter shall include the words "energy" or a word designating any specific form of energy such as "electric," "propane" or "natural gas" and "cooperative" and the abbreviation "inc." unless, in an affidavit made by its president or vice president and filed with the secretary of state, or in an affidavit made by a person signing articles of incorporation, consolidation, merger or conversion, which relate to such cooperative and filed, together with such articles, with the secretary of state, it shall appear that the cooperative desires to do business in another state and is or would be precluded therefrom by reason of the inclusion of such words or either thereof in its name. The name of a cooperative shall be distinct from the name of any other cooperative or corporation organized under the laws of, or authorized to do business in, this state. (Amended 1999, No. 143 (Adj. Sess.), § 4.)