§ 6001. Legislative findings
The general assembly of the state of Vermont finds that:
(1) there is a potential for development of hydroelectric power in the West River Valley;
(2) a group of municipalities in the West River Valley has joined together to form the West River Basin Energy Committee, Inc. and has obtained a preliminary permit with respect to development of hydroelectric power in that Valley;
(3) pursuant to federal law, preferences for development of hydroelectric power at the Ball Mountain Dam, the Townshend Dam, and the West Dummerston dam site is granted to those municipalities, over other utilities, including existing private utilities;
(4) the West River Valley municipalities need legislation of an enabling nature, as well as approval by the voters in the participating municipalities, in connection with their pursuit of permits from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the public service board for development of hydroelectric power in the West River Valley; and
(5) this chapter is of an enabling nature only requiring further affirmative action of the municipalities involved through duly warned town meetings and does not represent a policy of the state of Vermont on the feasibility or merits of any project undertaken by the authority. (Added 1981, No. 202 (Adj. Sess.), § 1, eff. April 25, 1982.)