§ 6004. General powers and duties
(a) The authority shall have all of the powers necessary and convenient to carry out this chapter, including without limitation those general powers provided a business corporation by section 3.02 of Title 11A, and including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the power:
(1) to receive, administer and comply with the conditions and requirements respecting any gift, grant, donation or appropriation of any property or money;
(2) to acquire by purchase, lease, gift, or otherwise, or to obtain options for the acquisition of any property, real or personal, improved or unimproved, tangible or intangible, including an interest in land of less than the fee;
(3) to sell, lease, mortgage, exchange, transfer or otherwise dispose of any real or personal property or interest in them, or to grant options for any of those purposes;
(4) to pledge or assign any money, fees, charges, or other revenues of the authority and any proceeds derived by the authority from the sale of property, or from insurance or condemnation awards;
(5) to employ personnel who shall serve at the pleasure of the directors;
(6) to borrow money and issue its notes and bonds as provided in this chapter;
(7) to function as an electric utility in the operation, distribution, generation, transmission, purchase, sale, and lease of electrical energy and facilities; and
(8) to do business inside or outside the state.
(b) In accordance with this chapter, the authority may buy and sell electric current for domestic use and for commercial purposes, and construct, purchase or lease, and maintain and operate one or more plants for the manufacture, distribution, purchase and sale of electricity for the use of the authority and for the use of the residents of the member municipalities of the authority and for such other customers as the board may approve, unless otherwise provided for in this chapter. For such purposes the authority may purchase and hold in fee simple or otherwise any real or personal estate and any rights therein, including water rights, and may do all other things necessary for carrying into effect the purposes of this chapter, and may excavate and dig conduits and ditches in any highway or other land or place, and erect poles, place wires, and lay pipes for the transmission and distribution of electricity, in such places as may be deemed necessary and proper, and in all such respects the authority shall have the same privileges and be subject to the same restrictions as are provided for public service corporations in chapter 71 of this title. The authority may change, enlarge, and extend the same from time to time and maintain the same, having due regard for the safety and welfare of all its citizens and security of the public travel, and may establish physical connection with other electric companies according to the procedures established in 30 V.S.A. § 214.
(c) The authority shall have the power to contract with other utilities, including but not limited to those powers set forth in chapter 83 of this title. (Added 1981, No. 202 (Adj. Sess.), § 2(c), eff. April 25, 1982; amended 1995, No. 99 (Adj. Sess.), § 11.)