§ 7052. Vermont enhanced 911 board
(a) The Vermont enhanced 911 board is established to develop, implement and supervise the operation of the statewide enhanced 911 system.
(b) The board shall consist of nine members: one county law enforcement officer elected by the membership of the Vermont state sheriff's association; one municipal law enforcement officer elected by the chiefs of police association of Vermont; one official of a municipality; a firefighter; an emergency medical services provider; a department of public safety representative; and three members of the public. Board members shall be appointed by the governor to three-year terms, except that the governor shall stagger initial appointments so that the terms of no more than four members expire during a calendar year. In appointing board members, the governor shall give due consideration to the different geographical regions of the state, and the need for balance between rural and urban areas. Board members shall serve at the pleasure of the governor.
(c) Members who are not state employees or not otherwise compensated in the course of their employment shall receive per diem compensation and expense reimbursement for meetings in accordance with the provisions of section 1010 of Title 32. Members who receive per diem shall receive compensation for no more than 12 meetings per year.
(d) The governor shall annually appoint a member to serve as board chair and a member to serve as board vice-chair. The board shall hold at least four regular meetings a year. Meetings of the board may be held at any time or place within Vermont upon call of the chair or a majority of the members, after reasonable notice to the other members and shall be held at such times and places as in the judgment of the board will best serve the convenience of all parties in interest. The board shall adopt rules and procedures with respect to the conduct of its meetings and other affairs. Membership on the board does not constitute the holding of an office for any purpose, and members of the board shall not be required to take and file oaths of office before serving on the board. A member of the board shall not be disqualified from holding any public office or employment, and shall not forfeit any office or employment, by reason of their appointment to the board, notwithstanding any statute, ordinance, or charter to the contrary.
(e) The board shall appoint, subject to the approval of the governor, an executive director who shall hold office at the pleasure of the board. He or she shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the board. The executive director is entitled to compensation, as established by law, and reimbursement for the expenses within the amounts available by appropriation. The executive director may, with the approval of the board, hire employees, agents and consultants and prescribe their duties. (Added 1993, No. 197 (Adj. Sess.), § 2; 2009, No. 4, § 99, eff. April 29, 2009.)