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§ 8005 -   Sustainably priced energy enterprise development (SPEED) program

§ 8005. Sustainably priced energy enterprise development (SPEED) program

(a) In order to achieve the goals of section 8001 of this title, there is created the Sustainably Priced Energy Enterprise Development (SPEED) program. The SPEED program shall have two categories of projects: qualifying SPEED resources and nonqualifying SPEED resources.

(b) The SPEED program shall be established, by rule, order, or contract, by the public service board by January 1, 2007. As part of the SPEED program, the public service board may, and in the case of subdivisions (1), (2), and (5) of this subsection shall:

(1) Name one or more entities to become engaged in the purchase and resale of electricity generated within the state by means of qualifying SPEED resources or nonqualifying SPEED resources, and shall implement the standard offer required by subdivision (2) of this subsection through this entity or entities. An entity appointed under this subdivision shall be known as a SPEED facilitator.

(2) No later than September 30, 2009, put into effect, on behalf of all Vermont retail electricity providers, standard offers for qualifying SPEED resources with a plant capacity of 2.2 MW or less. These standard offers shall be available until the cumulative plant capacity of all such resources commissioned in the state that have accepted a standard offer under this subdivision (2) equals or exceeds 50 MW; provided, however, that a plant owned and operated by a Vermont retail electricity provider shall count toward this 50-MW ceiling if the plant has a plant capacity of 2.2 MW or less and is commissioned on or after September 30, 2009. The term of a standard offer required by this subdivision (2) shall be 10 to 20 years, except that the term of a standard offer for a plant using solar power shall be 10 to 25 years. The price paid to a plant owner under a standard offer required by this subdivision shall include an amount for each kilowatt-hour (kWh) generated that shall be set as follows:

(A) Until the board determines the price to be paid to a plant owner in accordance with subdivision (2)(B) of this subsection, the price shall be:

(i) For a plant using methane derived from a landfill or an agricultural operation, $0.12 per kWh.

(ii) For a plant using wind power that has a plant capacity of 15 kW or less, $0.20 per kWh.

(iii) For a plant using solar power, $0.30 per kWh.

(iv) For a plant using hydropower, wind power with a plant capacity greater than 15 kW, or biomass power that is not subject to subdivision (2)(A)(i) of this subsection, a price equal, at the time of the plant's commissioning, to the average residential rate per kWh charged by all of the state's retail electricity providers weighted in accordance with each such provider's share of the state's electric load.

(B) In accordance with the provisions of this subdivision, the board by order shall set the price to be paid to a plant owner under a standard offer, including the owner of a plant described in subdivisions (2)(A)(i)-(iv) of this subsection.

(i) The board shall use the following criteria in setting a price under this subdivision:

(I) The board shall determine a generic cost, based on an economic analysis, for each category of generation technology that constitutes renewable energy. In conducting such an economic analysis the board shall: (aa) Include a generic assumption that reflects reasonably available tax credits and other incentives provided by federal and state governments and other sources applicable to the category of generation technology. For the purpose of this subdivision (2)(B), the term "tax credits and other incentives" excludes tradeable renewable energy credits. (bb) Consider different generic costs for subcategories of different plant capacities within each category of generation technology.

(II) The board shall include a rate of return on equity not less than the highest rate of return on equity received by a Vermont investor-owned retail electric service provider under its board-approved rates as of the date a standard offer goes into effect.

(III) The board shall include such adjustment to the generic costs and rate of return on equity determined under subdivisions (2)(B)(i)(I) and (II) of this subsection as the board determines to be necessary to ensure that the price provides sufficient incentive for the rapid development and commissioning of plants and does not exceed the amount needed to provide such an incentive.

(ii) No later than September 15, 2009, the board shall open and complete a noncontested case docket to accomplish each of the following tasks:

(I) Determine whether there is a substantial likelihood that one or more of the prices stated in subdivision (2)(A) of this subsection do not constitute a reasonable approximation of the price that would be paid applying the criteria of subdivision (2)(B)(i).

(II) If the board determines that one or more of the prices stated in subdivision (2)(A) of this subsection do not constitute such an approximation, set interim prices that constitute a reasonable approximation of the price that would be paid applying the criteria of subdivision (2)(B)(i). Once the board sets such an interim price, that interim price shall be used in subsequent standard offers until the board sets prices under subdivision (2)(B)(iii) of this subsection.

(iii) Regardless of its determination under subdivision (2)(B)(ii) of this subsection, the board shall proceed to set, no later than January 15, 2010, the price to be paid to a plant owner under a standard offer applying the criteria of subdivision (2)(B)(i) of this subsection.

(C) On or before January 15, 2012 and on or before every second January 15 after that date, the board shall review the prices set under subdivision (2)(B) of this subsection and determine whether such prices are providing sufficient incentive for the rapid development and commissioning of plants. In the event the board determines that such a price is inadequate or excessive, the board shall reestablish the price, in accordance with the requirements of subdivision (2)(B)(i) of this subsection, for effect on a prospective basis commencing two months after the price has been reestablished.

(D) Once the board determines, under subdivision (2)(B) or (C) of this subsection, the generic cost and rate of return elements for a category of renewable energy, the price paid to a plant owner under a subsequently executed standard offer contract shall comply with that determination.

(E) A plant owner who has executed a contract for a standard offer under this section prior to a determination by the board under subdivision (2)(B) or (C) of this subsection shall continue to receive the price agreed on in that contract.

(3) Maximize the benefit to rate payers from the sale of tradeable renewable energy credits or other credits that may be developed in the future, especially with regard to those plants that accept the standard offer issued under subdivision (2) of this subsection.

(4) Encourage retail electricity provider and third party developer sponsorship and partnerships in the development of renewable energy projects.

(5) Require all Vermont retail electricity providers to purchase through the SPEED program, in accordance with subdivision (g)(2) of this section, the power generated by the plants that accept the standard offer required to be issued under subdivision (2) of this subsection.

(6) Establish a method for Vermont retail electrical providers to obtain beneficial ownership of the renewable energy credits associated with any SPEED projects, in the event that a renewable portfolio standard comes into effect under the provisions of section 8004 of this title. It shall be a condition of a standard offer required to be issued under subdivision (2) of this subsection that tradeable renewable energy credits associated with a plant that accepts the standard offer are owned by the retail electric providers purchasing power from the plant, except that in the case of a plant using methane from agricultural operations, the plant owner shall retain such credits to be sold separately at the owner's discretion.

(7) Create a mechanism by which a retail electricity provider may establish that it has a sufficient amount of renewable energy, or resources that would otherwise qualify under the provisions of subsection (d) of this section, in its portfolio so that equity requires that the retail electricity provider be relieved, in whole or in part, from requirements established under this subsection that would require a retail electricity provider to purchase SPEED power, provided, however, that this mechanism shall not apply to the requirement to purchase power under subdivision (5) of this subsection unless the retail electricity provider seeking to use the mechanism establishes that it receives at least 25 percent of its energy from qualifying SPEED resources that were in operation on or before September 30, 2009.

(8) Provide that in any proceeding under subdivision 248(a)(2)(A) of this title, a demonstration of compliance with subdivision 248(b)(2) of this title, relating to establishing need for the facility, shall not be required if the facility is a SPEED resource and if no part of the facility is financed directly or indirectly through investments, other than power contracts, backed by Vermont electricity ratepayers.

(9) Take such other measures as the board finds necessary or appropriate to implement SPEED.

(c) Developers of qualifying and nonqualifying SPEED resources shall be entitled to classification as an eligible facility under chapter 12 of Title 10, relating to the Vermont Economic Development Authority.

(d)(1) The public service board shall meet on or before January 1, 2012 and open a proceeding to determine the total amount of qualifying SPEED resources that have been supplied to Vermont retail electricity providers or have been issued a certificate of public good. If the board finds that the amount of qualifying SPEED resources coming into service or having been issued a certificate of public good after January 1, 2005 and before July 1, 2012 equals or exceeds total statewide growth in electric retail sales during that time, and in addition, at least five percent of the 2005 total statewide electric retail sales is provided by qualified SPEED resources or would be provided by qualified SPEED resources that have been issued a certificate of public good, or if it finds that the amount of qualifying SPEED resources equals or exceeds 10 percent of total statewide electric retail sales for calendar year 2005, the portfolio standards established under this chapter shall not be in force. The board shall make its determination by January 1, 2013. If the board finds that the goal established has not been met, one year after the board's determination the portfolio standards established under subsection 8004(b) of this title shall take effect.

(2) A state goal is to assure that 20 percent of total statewide electric retail sales before July 1, 2017 shall be generated by SPEED resources. The public service board shall report to the house and senate committees on natural resources and energy and to the joint energy committee by December 31, 2011 with regard to the state's progress in meeting this goal. In addition, the board shall report to the house and senate committees on natural resources and energy and to the joint energy committee by December 31, 2013 with regard to the state's progress in meeting this goal and, if necessary, shall include any appropriate recommendations for measures that will make attaining the goal more likely.

(3) For the purposes of the determination to be made under this subsection, electricity produced at all facilities owned by or under long-term contract to Vermont retail electricity providers, whether it is generated inside or outside Vermont, that is new renewable energy shall be counted in the calculations under subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection.

(e) By no later than September 1, 2006, the public service board shall provide, by order or rule, the regulations and procedures that are necessary to allow the public service board and the department of public service to implement, and to supervise further the implementation and maintenance of the SPEED program. These rules shall assure that decisions with respect to certificate of public good applications for SPEED resources shall be made in a timely manner.

(f) In order to encourage joint efforts on the part of regulated companies to purchase power that meets or exceeds the SPEED standards and to secure stable, long-term contracts beneficial to Vermonters, the board may establish standards for pre-approving the recovery of costs incurred on a SPEED project that is the subject of that joint effort.

(g) With respect to executed contracts for standard offers under this section:

(1) Such a contract shall be transferable. The contract transferee shall notify the SPEED facilitator of the contract transfer within 30 days of transfer.

(2) The SPEED facilitator shall distribute the electricity purchased and any associated costs to the Vermont retail electricity providers based on their pro rata share of total Vermont retail kWh sales for the previous calendar year, and the Vermont retail electricity providers shall accept and pay the SPEED facilitator for those costs. For the purpose of this subdivision, a Vermont retail electricity provider shall receive a credit toward its share of those costs for any plant with a plant capacity of 2.2 MW or less that it owns or operates and that is commissioned on or after September 30, 2009. The amount of such credit shall be the amount that the plant owner otherwise would be eligible to receive, if the owner were not a retail electricity provider, under a standard offer in effect at the time of commissioning. The amount of any such credit shall be redistributed to the Vermont retail electricity providers on a basis such that all providers pay for a proportionate volume of plant capacity up to the 50 MW ceiling for standard offer contracts stated in subdivision (b)(2) of this section.

(3) The SPEED facilitator shall transfer any tradeable renewable energy credits attributable to electricity purchased under standard offer contracts to the Vermont retail electricity providers in accordance with their pro rata share of the costs for such electricity as determined under subdivision (2) of this subsection, except that in the case of a plant using methane from agricultural operations, the plant owner shall retain such credits to be sold separately at the owner's discretion.

(4) The SPEED facilitator shall transfer all capacity rights attributable to the plant capacity associated with the electricity purchased under standard offer contracts to the Vermont retail electricity providers in accordance with their pro rata share of the costs for such electricity as determined under subdivision (2) of this subsection.

(5) All reasonable costs of a Vermont retail electricity provider incurred under this subsection shall be included in the provider's revenue requirement for purposes of ratemaking under sections 218, 218d, 225, and 227 of this title. In including such costs, the board shall appropriately account for any credits received under subdivisions (2) and (3) of this subsection. Costs included in a retail electricity provider's revenue requirement under this subdivision shall be allocated to the provider's ratepayers as directed by the board.

(h) With respect to standard offers under this section, the board shall by rule or order:

(1) Determine a SPEED facilitator's reasonable expenses arising from its role and the allocation of such expenses among plant owners and Vermont retail electricity providers.

(2) Determine the manner and timing of payments by a SPEED facilitator to plant owners for energy purchased under an executed contract for a standard offer.

(3) Determine the manner and timing of payments to the SPEED facilitator by the Vermont retail electricity providers for energy distributed to them under executed contracts for standard offers.

(4) Establish reporting requirements of a SPEED facilitator, a plant owner, and a Vermont retail electricity provider.

(i) With respect to standard offers under this section, the board shall determine whether its existing rules sufficiently address interconnection, metering, and the allocation of metering and interconnection costs, and make such rule revisions as needed to implement the standard offer requirements of this section.

(j) Wood biomass resources that would otherwise constitute qualifying SPEED resources may receive a standard offer under subdivision (b)(2) of this section only if they have a design system efficiency (the sum of full load design thermal output and electric output divided by the heat input) of at least 50 percent.

(k) A Vermont retail electricity provider shall not be eligible for a standard offer contract under subdivision (b)(2) of this section.

( l ) The existence of a standard offer under subdivision (b)(2) of this section shall not preclude a voluntary contract between a plant owner and a Vermont retail electricity provider on terms that may be different from those under the standard offer. A plant owner who declines a voluntary contract may still accept a standard offer under this section.

(m) The state shall not be liable to a plant owner or retail electricity provider with respect to any matter related to SPEED, including costs associated with a standard offer contract under this section or any damages arising from breach of such a contract, the flow of power between a plant and the electric grid, or the interconnection of a plant to that grid.

(n) On or before January 15, 2011 and every second January 15 afterward, the board shall report to the house and senate committees on natural resources and energy concerning the status of the standard offer program under this section. In its report, the board at a minimum shall:

(1) Assess the progress made toward attaining the cumulative statewide capacity ceiling stated in subdivision (b)(2) of this section.

(2) If that cumulative statewide capacity ceiling has not been met, identify the barriers to attaining that ceiling and detail the board's recommendations for overcoming such barriers.

(3) If that cumulative statewide capacity has been met or is likely to be met within a year of the date of the board's report, recommend whether the standard offer program under this section should continue and, if so, whether there should be any modifications to the program. (Added 2005, No. 61, § 4; amended 2005, No. 208 (Adj. Sess.), § 15; 2007, No. 92 (Adj. Sess.), § 22; 2009, No. 45, § 4, eff. May 27, 2009.)

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