§ 8395. Findings
Upon hearing, if the board finds that the enforced payment of the taxes would imperil the continued operation of the railroad and that the suspension of collection thereof would promote the general good of the state, it shall certify its findings to the governor in writing, together with its recommendations in connection therewith. Thereupon, the governor, by executive order, may suspend the collection thereof for the period of one year. The suspension may be extended by the governor from year to year upon certification of reviewed findings and recommendations by the board. Any unpaid tax, the payment of which is suspended under this act, shall continue to constitute a first lien upon the property of the railroad in accordance with section 8102 of this title, except that in the case of the sale of a part of the real property of any railroad whose taxes have been suspended under this act, the governor upon recommendation of the board may release such lien from such real estate sold upon payment of a reasonable share of the proceeds towards such suspended taxes, and the balance of taxes remaining shall continue to constitute such a first lien upon the remaining property of the railroad. (Amended 1961, No. 275, § 2, eff. Aug. 1, 1961.)