§ 311. Retirement funds integrity report
(a) The governor shall include as a part of the annual budget report required by section 306 of this title, a statement of the extent by which the recommended appropriations to the teachers' retirement funds and to the Vermont employees' retirement funds differ from the amounts as recommended by the Vermont employees' retirement system retirement board as provided by subsection 471(n) of Title 3, and by the teachers' retirement system board of trustees as provided by subsection 1942(r) of Title 16 and board estimates for current obligations for retiree health care costs. If the governor's recommended appropriations are less than the amounts recommended by one or both of the boards of the two retirement systems for retirement obligations and retiree health care, the governor shall set forth the long-term financial implications to the state of such shortfall and present a plan to achieve and preserve the fiscal integrity of the retirement funds of the retirement system or systems.
(b) At the request of the house or senate committees on government operations or appropriations, the state treasurer and the commissioner of finance and management shall present to the requesting committees the recommendations submitted under subsections 471(n) of Title 3 and 1942(r) of Title 16. (Added 1991, No. 265 (Adj. Sess.), § 3; amended 2005, No. 48, § 3; 2005, No. 93 (Adj. Sess.), § 80, eff. March 3, 2006; 2009, No. 1 (Sp. Sess.), § E.103.1.)