§ 5266. Summons, apprehension, and detention of juvenile probationer
At any time before the discharge of a juvenile probationer or the termination of the period of probation:
(1) The court may summon the juvenile to appear before it or may issue an order for the juvenile's detention.
(2) Any juvenile probation officer may detain a juvenile probationer or may authorize any officer to do so by giving the officer a written statement setting forth that the juvenile has, in the judgment of the juvenile probation officer, violated a condition of probation. The written statement delivered with the juvenile by the detaining officer to the supervisor of the juvenile facility or residential program to which the juvenile is brought for detention shall be sufficient authority for detaining the juvenile.
(3) Any juvenile probationer apprehended or detained in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall have no right of action against the juvenile probation officer or any other person because of such apprehension or detention. (Added 2007, No. 185 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. Jan. 1, 2009.)