§ 5267. Detention hearing
(a) Whenever a juvenile probationer is detained on the grounds that the juvenile has violated a condition of probation, the juvenile shall be given a hearing before a judicial officer prior to the close of business on the next court business day in order to determine whether there is probable cause to hold the juvenile for a violation hearing. The juvenile and the adult who signed the probation certificate shall be given:
(1) notice of the detention hearing and its purpose and the allegations of violations of conditions of probation; and
(2) notice of the juvenile's right to be represented by counsel and right to be assigned counsel if the juvenile is unable to obtain counsel.
(b) At the detention hearing the juvenile shall be given:
(1) an opportunity to appear at the hearing and present evidence on his or her own behalf; and
(2) upon request, the opportunity to question witnesses against him or her unless, for good cause, the judicial officer decides that justice does not require the appearance of the witness.
(c) If probable cause is found to exist, the juvenile shall be held for a hearing to determine if the juvenile violated the conditions of probation. If probable cause is not found to exist, the proceedings shall be dismissed.
(d) A juvenile held in detention pursuant to a request to find the juvenile in violation of probation may be released by a judicial officer pending hearing or appeal. (Added 2007, No. 185 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. Jan. 1, 2009.)