§ 7303. Notice to residents; posting
(a) A summary of the obligations of the nursing home to residents using its facilities shall be written in clear language, in easily readable print, and posted conspicuously in a public place on each floor of the home. This notice shall also summarize the facility's grievance procedure and directions for contacting the ombudsman program. The directions for contacting the ombudsman program shall be written by the department of disabilities, aging, and independent living, shall include a description of the ombudsman program, and shall be underscored.
(b) A readable copy of this same notice shall be presented to each resident on admission together with an oral explanation of the rights, grievance procedure and directions for contacting the ombudsman program.
(c) Residents admitted to a nursing home prior to July 1, 1986 shall, within a reasonable period of time after July 1, 1986, receive a readable copy of said notice. (Added 1985, No. 153 (Adj. Sess.); amended 1989, No. 71, § 3; 1989, No. 219 (Adj. Sess.), § 5; 2005, No. 174 (Adj. Sess.), § 136.)