§ 1-7. Acts passed between certain dates not affected.
The enactment of this Code shall not affect any act passed by the GeneralAssembly, which shall have become a law after January 14, 1948, and beforeFebruary 1, 1950; but every such act shall have full effect, and so far asthe same varies from or conflicts with any provision contained in this Codeit shall have effect as a subsequent act, and as repealing any part of thisCode inconsistent therewith; provided, however, that any such act whichbecomes a law between said dates and which amends and reenacts, or reenactsany previously existing provisions of law conferring any power or imposingany duty upon any department, board, commission, agency or officer of thestate government whose functions, powers and duties are affected by any ofthe provisions of this Code becoming effective July 1, 1948, shall beconstrued as conferring the powers and imposing the duties specified thereinupon the department, board, commission, agency or officer of the stategovernment to which or to whom the duties and powers imposed or conferred bysuch previously existing provisions of law were transferred by the provisionsof this Code becoming effective July 1, 1948.
(Code 1919, § 6568; R. P. 1948, § 1-7.)