§ 1-403. Conveyances of certain waste and unappropriated lands and marshlandsto the United States.
A. The Governor is authorized to execute in the name of the Commonwealthdeeds conveying, subject to the jurisdictional and other limitations andreservations contained in §§ 1-400 and 1-405, to the United States such titleas the Commonwealth may have in waste and unappropriated lands entirelysurrounded by lands owned by the United States, when the same are certifiedas being vacant and unappropriated by a duly authorized agent of the UnitedStates and are described by metes and bounds descriptions filed with theSecretary of the Commonwealth and with the clerk of the court in the countywherein such unappropriated land is situated.
B. The Governor is authorized to execute, in the name and on behalf of theCommonwealth, a deed or other appropriate instrument conveying to the UnitedStates, without any consideration but subject to the jurisdictionallimitations and reservations contained in §§ 1-400 and 1-405, such right,title and interest in or easement over and across the marshes lying along theseaside of the Counties of Accomack and Northampton as may be necessary andproper for the construction, operation and maintenance of a canal or channelfor small boats over and through such marshlands.
(Code 1950, § 7-23; 1966, c. 102, § 7.1-20; 1976, c. 211; 2005, c. 839.)