§ 10.1-104.1. Department to be lead agency for nonpoint source pollutionprogram.
A. The Department, with the advice of the Board of Conservation andRecreation and the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board and incooperation with other agencies, organizations, and the public asappropriate, shall have the lead responsibility for the Commonwealth'snonpoint source pollution management program. This responsibility includescoordination of the nonpoint source control elements of programs developedpursuant to certain state and federal laws including § 319 of the Clean WaterAct and § 6217 of the Coastal Zone Management Act. Further responsibilitiesinclude, but are not limited to, the distribution of assigned funds, theidentification and establishment of priorities of nonpoint source relatedwater quality problems, and the administration of the Statewide NonpointSource Advisory Committee.
B. The Department shall be assisted in performing its nonpoint sourcepollution management responsibilities by Virginia's soil and waterconservation districts. Assistance by the soil and water conservationdistricts in the delivery of local programs and services may include (i) theprovision of technical assistance to advance adoption of conservationmanagement services, (ii) delivery of educational initiatives targeted atyouth and adult groups to further awareness and understanding of waterquality issues and solutions, and (iii) promotion of incentives to encouragevoluntary actions by landowners and land managers in order to minimizenonpoint source pollution contributions to state waters.
The provisions of this section shall not limit the powers and duties of otherstate agencies.
(1993, cc. 19, 830; 2004, c. 474.)