§ 10.1-104.2. Voluntary nutrient management training and certificationprogram.
A. The Department shall operate a voluntary nutrient management training andcertification program to certify the competence of persons preparing nutrientmanagement plans for the purpose of assisting land owners and operators inthe management of land application of fertilizers, municipal sewage sludges,animal manures, and other nutrient sources for agronomic benefits and for theprotection of the Commonwealth's ground and surface waters. The Departmentshall promulgate regulations:
1. Specifying qualifications and standards for individuals to be deemedcompetent in nutrient management plan preparation, and providing for theissuance of documentation of certification to such individuals;
2. Specifying conditions under which a certificate issued to an individualmay be suspended or revoked;
3. Providing for criteria relating to the development of nutrient managementplans for various agricultural and urban agronomic practices;
4. Establishing fees to be paid by individuals enrolling in the training andcertification programs;
5. Providing for the performance of other duties and the exercise of otherpowers by the Director as may be necessary to provide for the training andcertification of individuals preparing nutrient management plans; and
6. Giving due consideration to relevant existing agricultural certificationprograms.
B. There is hereby established a special, nonreverting fund in the statetreasury to be known as the Nutrient Management Training and CertificationFund. The fund shall consist of all fees collected by the Department pursuantto subsection A. No part of the fund, either principal or interest, shallrevert to the general fund. The fund shall be administered by the Director,and shall be used solely for the payment of expenses of operating thenutrient management training and certification program.
(1994, c. 159.)