§ 10.1-109. Conveyance or lease of lands and other properties.
A. The Director is authorized, subject to the consent and approval of theGovernor and the General Assembly, following review as to form and content bythe Attorney General and the provisions of this article, to convey, lease ordemise to any person for consideration, by proper deed or other appropriateinstrument signed and executed by the Director, in the name of theCommonwealth: (i) any lands or other properties held for general recreationalor other public purposes by the Department, for the Commonwealth; (ii) anylands over which the Department has supervision and control, or any part ofsuch lands; or (iii) any right, interest or privilege with respect to suchlands. The Director, subject to the consent and approval of the Governor, mayrenew any such lease, contract or agreement without the consent and approvalof the General Assembly. Whenever land is acquired by purchase or otherwisefor public recreation and conservation purposes under the administration ofthe Department, the Director is authorized to lease the land or any portionof it to the owner from whom the land is acquired upon terms and conditionsin the public interest. No lease granted under this section shall be for aninitial term longer than ten years, but any such lease may contain provisionsfor lease renewals, either contingent or automatic at the discretion of theDirector, for a like period upon the same terms and conditions as originallygranted. If written notice of termination is received by the Director fromthe lessee or if use of the lease is in fact abandoned by the lessee at anytime prior to the end of the initial term or any renewal, the Director mayimmediately terminate the lease.
B. The Director is authorized to lease state-owned housing under the controlof the Department to state employees. Such leases shall be approved as toform and content by the Attorney General and the Department of GeneralServices. The leasing of Department-controlled housing to state employeesshall be for the purposes of providing security and operational efficienciesto property of the Department and shall not cause the property to beconsidered surplus to the agency's need. If the Director determines that theavailability of state-owned housing is inadequate to meet the onsite securityand operational efficiencies requirements for Department-owned property, hemay lease residential property not owned by the Commonwealth from prospectivelandlords for the purposes of subleasing to state employees who otherwisequalify for leasing state-owned housing. Such leases and subleases shall beapproved by the Director.
(1978, c. 835, § 10-17.114; 1980, c. 451; 1984, c. 739; 1987, c. 453; 1988,c. 891; 1991, c. 461; 2008, c. 22.)