§ 10.1-113. Sale of trees.
For the purpose of managing Departmental lands or maintaining the productionof forest products in Departmental lands, the Director, upon therecommendation of the State Forester, may designate and appraise trees to becut under the principles of scientific forest management, and may sell themfor not less than their appraised value. When the appraised value of thetrees to be sold is more than $50,000, the Director, before selling them,shall receive bids, after notice by publication once a week for two weeks intwo newspapers of general circulation; but the Director shall have the rightto reject any and all bids and to readvertise for bids. The proceeds arisingfrom the sale of the timber and trees from state park lands shall be paidinto the State Park Conservation Resources Fund established in subsection Aof § 10.1-202. The proceeds arising from the sale of the timber and treesfrom natural area preserves owned by the Department in fee simple shall bepaid into the Natural Area Preservation Fund established in § 10.1-215.
(1988, c. 891; 2003, cc. 79, 89; 2007, c. 158.)