§ 10.1-114.1. Directory of cultural heritage sites.
A. The Director is authorized to develop a state directory of culturalheritage facilities and sites. The directory shall recognize commemorativeand historic facilities and sites that interpret significant aspects ofnational, state, or regional culture or history. Sites included in thedirectory shall not be owned or operated by state agencies.
B. Owners or managers of a potential commemorative or historic facilitydesiring to be included in the directory of cultural heritage sites shallsubmit an application to the Department. To be eligible for inclusion in thedirectory, the application shall include a discussion of the cultural andhistoric significance of the facility or site; a description of how thefacility or site is staffed and managed; information on any oversight oradvisory boards, including their mission statements and goals; informationregarding the accessibility of the site to persons with special needs;information confirming the availability of the facility or site to the publicfor tours and educational or recreational programs on a regular basis;letters of support from local governments, chambers of commerce, tourismbureaus, or other supporting entities; and other information as theDepartment determines to be necessary. The Department may develop additionalqualification criteria and application materials that may be necessary toimplement the registry program. Such criteria may be adopted by the Directorafter considering the recommendations of the Board of Conservation andRecreation.
C. The Director shall evaluate whether the facility or site qualifies forinclusion in the directory. In evaluating the facility or site, the Directorshall consult with the Department of Historic Resources, the Virginia TourismCorporation, and other state and federal agencies when such consultationwould benefit the evaluation.
D. The Director shall present any findings to the Board for itsrecommendation. Upon the favorable recommendation of the Board, the Directormay designate a facility or site for inclusion in the directory with theGovernor's written approval.
E. The Department shall maintain the directory of cultural heritagefacilities and sites on its website and actively promote those facilities orsites.
(2010, c. 29.)