§ 10.1-1001. Cave Board; qualifications; officers.
A. The Cave Board is continued within the Department of Conservation andRecreation and shall consist of the Director of the Department of HistoricResources, or his designee, serving in an ex officio capacity and elevencitizens of Virginia appointed by the Governor for four-year terms.Appointments shall be made on the basis of activity and knowledge in theconservation, exploration, study and management of caves.
B. The Cave Board shall meet at least three times a year. Six members shallconstitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Board shall annuallyelect a chairman, vice-chairman and recording secretary and such otherofficers as the Board deems necessary.
(1979, c. 433, §§ 9-152.1, 9-152.2; 1980, c. 745; 1984, c. 750; 1985, c. 448;1988, c. 891; 1989, c. 656.)