§ 10.1-1002. Powers and duties of Cave Board.
A. The Cave Board may perform all tasks necessary to carry out the purposesof this chapter, including the following:
1. Accept any gift, money, security or other source of funding and expendsuch funds to effectuate the purposes of this chapter.
2. Serve as an advisory board to any requesting state agency on mattersrelating to caves and karst.
3. Conduct and maintain an inventory of publicly owned caves in Virginia.
4. Provide cave management expertise and service to requesting publicagencies and cave owners.
5. Maintain a current list of all significant caves in Virginia and reportany real and present danger to such caves.
6. Provide cave data for use by state and other governmental agencies.
7. Publish or assist in publishing articles, pamphlets, brochures or books oncaves and cave-related concerns.
8. Facilitate data gathering and research efforts on caves.
9. Advise civil defense authorities on the present and future use of Virginiacaves in civil defense.
10. Advise on the need for and desirability of a state cave recreation plan.
11. Inform the public about the value of cave resources and the importance ofpreserving them for the citizens of the Commonwealth.
B. The Cave Board shall have the duty to:
1. Protect the rare, unique and irreplaceable minerals and archaeologicalresources found in caves.
2. Protect and maintain cave life.
3. Protect the ground water flow which naturally occurs in caves from waterpollution.
4. Protect the integrity of caves that have unique characteristics or areexemplary natural community types.
5. Make recommendations to interested state agencies concerning any proposedrule, regulation or administrative policy which directly affects the use andconservation of caves in this Commonwealth.
6. Study any matters of special concern relating to caves and karst.
(1979, c. 252, § 10-150.11; 1979, c. 433, §§ 9-152.1, 9-152.3 to 9-152.5;1980, c. 745; 1984, cc. 734, 750; 1985, c. 448; 1988, c. 891.)