§ 10.1-1185. Appointment of Director; powers and duties of Director.
The Department shall be headed by a Director appointed by the Governor toserve at his pleasure. The Director shall be an experienced administratorwith knowledge of environmental protection and government operation and shallhave demonstrated expertise in organizational management and environmentalscience, environmental law, or environmental policy. The Director of theDepartment of Environmental Quality shall, under the direction and control ofthe Governor, exercise such power and perform such duties as are conferred orimposed upon him by law and shall perform such other duties as may berequired of him by the Governor and the following Boards: the State AirPollution Control Board, the State Water Control Board, and the VirginiaWaste Management Board. The Director or his designee shall serve as executiveofficer of the aforementioned Boards.
All powers and duties conferred or imposed upon the Executive Director of theDepartment of Air Pollution Control, the Executive Director of the StateWater Control Board, the Administrator of the Council on the Environment, andthe Director of the Department of Waste Management are continued andconferred or imposed upon the Director of the Department of EnvironmentalQuality or his designee. Wherever in this title and in the Code of Virginiareference is made to the head of a division, department or agency hereinaftertransferred to this Department, it shall mean the Director of the Departmentof Environmental Quality.
(1992, c. 887; 2008, cc. 276, 557.)