§ 10.1-1193. Watershed planning; watershed permitting; promotion andcoordination.
A. The Department, with the assistance of the Watershed Planning andPermitting Coordination Task Force, shall undertake such efforts it deemsnecessary and appropriate to coordinate the watershed-level activitiesconducted by state and local agencies and authorities and to foster thedevelopment of watershed planning by localities. To aid in the coordinationand promotion of these activities, the Department shall to the extentpracticable in its discretion:
1. Promote and coordinate state and local agencies' and authorities' effortsto undertake watershed planning and watershed permitting;
2. Acquire, maintain and make available informational resources on watershedplanning;
3. Promote the continuation of research and dialogue on what is entailed inwatershed planning and watershed permitting;
4. Identify sources and methods for providing local officials with technicalassistance in watershed planning;
5. Encourage and foster training of local officials in watershed planning;
6. Develop recommendations for needed regulatory and legislative changes toassist local governments in developing and implementing watershed planning;
7. Identify barriers to watershed planning and watershed permitting,including state policies, regulations and procedures, and recommendalternatives to overcome such obstacles; and
8. Develop, foster and coordinate approaches to watershed permitting.
B. The Department shall report annually its watershed planning and permittingactivities, findings and recommendations and those of the Task Force to theGovernor and the General Assembly. This annual report may be incorporated aspart of the report required by § 62.1-44.118.
C. Nothing in this article shall be construed as requiring additionalpermitting or planning requirements on agricultural or forestal activities.
(1995, c. 793; 2007, c. 637.)