§ 10.1-1196. Guiding definition and principles.
A. The Department, the Task Force and any advisory panels appointed by theTask Force shall be guided by the following definition of watershed planning:"Watershed planning" is the process of studying the environmental and landuse features of a watershed to identify those areas that should be protectedand preserved, measures to be utilized to protect such areas, and thecharacter of development in order to avoid and minimize disruption of naturalsystems. Its focus is not on directing development to particular parcels ofland but rather to identify critical resources, and measures to protect thoseresources, so that development, when it does occur, will not negativelyimpact water resources. In so doing watershed planning uses and protectsecological processes to lessen the need for structural control methods thatrequire capital costs and maintenance. By including consideration of awatershed and its characteristics, cumulative impacts and interjurisdictionalissues are more effectively managed than when solely relying onsingle-site-permit approaches. Watershed planning can be an important toolfor maintaining environmental integrity, economic development and watershedpermitting.
B. The Department, the Task Force and any advisory panels appointed by theTask Force shall be guided by the principles contained in the followingstatement: Stream systems tend to reflect the character of the watershed theydrain. Unchecked physical conversion in a watershed accompanying urbanizationleads to degraded streams and wetlands. As urbanization continues to spreadacross the state, natural vegetation, slope and water retentioncharacteristics are replaced by impervious surfaces disrupting the dynamicbalance of the natural hydrologic cycle. Poorly planned development canincrease peak storm flows and runoff volume, lower water quality andaesthetics, and cause flooding and degradation of downstream communities andecosystems.
(1995, c. 793.)