§ 10.1-1197.10. Right of entry to inspect, etc.; warrants.
Upon presentation of appropriate credentials and upon consent of the owner orcustodian, the Director or his designee shall have the right to enter at anyreasonable time onto any property to inspect, investigate, evaluate, conducttests or take samples for testing as he reasonably deems necessary in orderto determine whether the provisions of any law administered by the Directoror the Department, any regulations of the Department, any order of theDepartment or Director or any conditions in a permit by rule, license orcertificate issued by the Director are being complied with. If the Directoror his designee is denied entry, he may apply to an appropriate circuit courtfor an inspection warrant authorizing such investigation, evaluation,inspection, testing or taking of samples for testing as provided in Chapter24 (§ 19.2-393 et seq.) of Title 19.2.
(2009, cc. 808, 854.)