§ 10.1-1150.4. Prescribed burn elements.
Prescribed burning shall be performed in the following manner:
1. A prescription for the prescribed burn shall be prepared by a certifiedprescribed burn manager prior to the burn. The prescription shall include:(i) the landowner's name, address, and telephone number, and the telephonenumber of the certified prescribed burn manager who prepared the plan; (ii) adescription of the area to be burned, a map of the area to be burned, theobjectives of the prescribed burn, and the desired weather conditions orparameters; (iii) a summary of the methods to be used to start, control, andextinguish the prescribed burn; and (iv) a smoke management plan. The smokemanagement plan shall be based on guidelines presented in the VirginiaDepartment of Forestry publication, "Voluntary Smoke Management Guidelinesfor Virginia," and the U.S. Forest Service's technical publication, "AGuide to Prescribed Fire in Southern Forests." A copy of the prescriptionshall be retained at the site throughout the period of the burning;
2. Prescribed burning shall be conducted under the direct supervision of acertified prescribed burn manager, who shall ensure that the prescribedburning is in accordance with the prescription; and
3. The nearest regional office of the Virginia Department of Forestry shallbe notified prior to the burn.
(1998, c. 156.)