§ 10.1-1158. Prohibition of all open burning where serious fire hazardsexist; penalty.
It shall be unlawful when the forestlands, brushlands and fields in thisCommonwealth or any part thereof have become so dry as to create a seriousfire hazard endangering lives and property, for any persons to do any openburning nearer than 300 feet from any such forestlands, brushlands or fieldscontaining dry grass or other flammable material.
This article shall not be effective until the Governor, upon recommendationof the State Forester, proclaims such a condition to exist in thisCommonwealth or any part thereof, and it shall be in effect until theGovernor proclaims such condition to have terminated.
It shall be the duty of all authorized law-enforcement officers of theCommonwealth, counties, and municipalities to enforce the provisions of thissection.
Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of aClass 3 misdemeanor for each separate offense.
(1986, c. 188, § 27-54.5; 1988, c. 891.)