§ 10.1-1307.02. Permit for generation of electricity during ISO-declaredemergency.
A. As used in this section:
"Emergency generation source" means a stationary internal combustion enginethat operates according to the procedures in the ISO's emergency operationsmanual during an ISO-declared emergency.
"ISO-declared emergency" means a condition that exists when the independentsystem operator, as defined in § 56-576, notifies electric utilities that anemergency exists or may occur and that complies with the definition of"emergency" adopted by the Board pursuant to subsection B.
"Retail customer" has the same meaning ascribed thereto in § 56-576.
B. The Board shall adopt a general permit or permits for the use of back-upgeneration to authorize the construction, installation, reconstruction,modification, and operation of emergency generation sources duringISO-declared emergencies. Such general permit or permits shall include adefinition of "emergency" that is compatible with the ISO's emergencyoperations manual. After adoption of such general permit or permits, anyamendments to the Board's regulations necessary to carry out the provisionsof this section shall be exempt from Article 2 (§ 2.2-4006 et seq.) of theAdministrative Process Act.
(2009, cc. 752, 855.)