§ 10.1-1327. Definitions.
As used in this article, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Electric generating facility" means a facility with one or more electricgenerating units.
"Electric generating unit" means (i) a unit that is serving a generatorwith nameplate capacity of more than 25 megawatts (MW) of electricityproducing electricity for sale; or (ii) a cogeneration unit serving agenerator with a nameplate capacity of more than 25 MW and supplying in anycalendar year more than one-third of the unit's potential electric outputcapacity or 219,000 MWh, whichever is greater, to any utility powerdistribution system for sale. For subsections A and B of § 10.1-1328, theterm shall only include those units that combust any fossil fuel, and arecovered by the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR). For subsections C and D of §10.1-1328, the term shall include only those units that are fueled by coal.
"Mercury" means mercury and mercury compounds in either a gaseous orparticulate form.
"Ozone season" means the period May 1 through September 30 of a year.
(2006, cc. 867, 920.)