§ 10.1-1405. Powers and duties of Director.
A. The Director, under the direction and control of the Secretary of NaturalResources, shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as areconferred or imposed upon him by law and shall perform any other dutiesrequired of him by the Governor or the Board.
B. In addition to the other responsibilities set forth herein, the Directorshall carry out management and supervisory responsibilities in accordancewith the regulations and policies of the Board. In no event shall theDirector have the authority to promulgate any final regulation.
The Director shall be vested with all the authority of the Board when it isnot in session, subject to such regulations as may be prescribed by the Board.
C. The Director shall serve as the liaison with the United States Departmentof Energy on matters concerning the siting of high-level radioactive wasterepositories, pursuant to the terms of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982.
D. The Director shall obtain a criminal records check pursuant to § 19.2-389of key personnel listed in the disclosure statement when the Directordetermines, in his sole discretion, that such a records check will serve thepurposes of this chapter.
(1986, c. 492, § 10-269; 1988, c. 891; 1990, c. 919.)