§ 10.1-1410.3. Operating burn pits at closed landfills.
The Department shall develop policies and procedures to allow for theinfrequent burning of vegetative waste at permitted landfills that haveceased accepting waste but have not been released from postclosure carerequirements. The policies and procedures developed shall include measures toensure protection of public health and the environment, including (i) limitsto the amount of vegetative waste that may be burned, (ii) the types ofmaterials that may be burned, (iii) the frequency of the burning, (iv) thelength of time the burning occurs, and (v) an evaluation of otheralternatives for managing the vegetative waste. Nothing in this section shallbe construed to prohibit a city or locality from exercising its authority toregulate such facilities by requiring among other things, permits orapprovals.
(2006, c. 19.)