§ 10.1-1413.2. Requirements for landfill closure.
The Department shall prioritize the closure of landfills that are owned bylocal governments or political subdivisions, or that are located in thelocality and have been abandoned in violation of this chapter, and are notequipped with liner and leachate control systems meeting the requirements ofthe Board's regulations. The prioritization shall be based on the greatestthreat to human health and the environment. The Department shall establish aschedule, after public notice and a period for public comment, based uponthat prioritization requiring municipal solid waste landfills to ceaseaccepting solid waste in, and to prepare financial closure plans for,disposal areas permitted before October 9, 1993. No municipal solid wastelandfill may continue accepting waste after 2020 in any disposal area notequipped with a liner system approved by the Department pursuant to a permitissued after October 9, 1993. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection Nof § 10.1-1408.1, failure by a landfill owner or operator to comply with theschedule established by the Department shall be a violation of this chapter.The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to municipal solid wastelandfills utilizing double synthetic liner systems permitted between December21, 1988, and October 9, 1993, that are part of a post-mining land use planapproved under Chapter 19 (§ 45.1-226 et seq.) of Title 45.1.
(1999, cc. 584, 613, 947; 2000, c. 308; 2002, cc. 492, 518; 2004, c. 872.)