§ 10.1-1415.1. Labeling of plastic container products required; penalty.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, expose for sale, ordistribute any plastic bottle or rigid plastic container unless the containeris labeled indicating the plastic resin used to produce the container. Suchlabel shall appear on or near the bottom of the container, be clearlyvisible, and consist of a number placed within three triangulated arrows andletters placed below the triangle of arrows. The triangulated arrows shallbe equilateral, formed by three arrows with the apex of each point of thetriangle at the midpoint of each arrow, rounded with a short radius. Thepointer (arrowhead) of each arrow shall be at the midpoint of each side ofthe triangle with a short gap separating the pointer from the base of theadjacent arrow. The triangle, formed by three arrows curved at theirmidpoints, shall depict a clockwise path around the code number. The numbersand letters shall be as follows:
1. For polyethylene terepthalate, the letters "PETE" and the number 1.
2. For high density polyethylene, the letters "HDPE" and the number 2.
3. For vinyl, the letter "V" and the number 3.
4. For low density polyethylene, the letters "LDPE" and the number 4.
5. For polypropylene, the letters "PP" and the number 5.
6. For polystyrene, the letters "PS" and the number 6.
7. For any other plastic resin, the letters "OTHER" and the number 7.
B. As used in subsection A of this section:
"Container," unless otherwise specified, refers to "rigid plasticcontainer" or "plastic bottle" as those terms are defined below.
"Plastic bottle" means a plastic container intended for single use that hasa neck that is smaller than the container, accepts a screw-type, snap cap orother closure and has a capacity of sixteen fluid ounces or more but lessthan five gallons.
"Rigid plastic container" means any formed or molded container, other thana bottle, intended for single use, composed predominantly of plastic resin,and having a relatively inflexible finite shape or form with a capacity ofeight ounces or more but less than five gallons.
C. Any person convicted of a violation of the provisions of subsection A ofthis section shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars. Eachday of violation shall constitute a separate offense.
(1990, c. 519.)