§ 10.1-1416. Collection and survey of litter.
Collections and surveys of the kinds of litter that are discarded inviolation of the laws of the Commonwealth shall be conducted as the need isdetermined by the Department, after receipt of the recommendations of theAdvisory Board, or as directed by the General Assembly. The survey shallinclude litter found throughout the Commonwealth, including standardmetropolitan statistical areas and rural and recreational areas. To thefullest extent possible, in standard metropolitan statistical areas theDepartment of Transportation shall make use of local litter and trashcollection services through arrangements with local governing bodies andappropriate agencies, in the discharge of the duties imposed by this section.The Department of Transportation shall report to the Governor, the GeneralAssembly and the Department as to the amount of litter collected pursuant tothis section and shall include in its report an analysis of litter types,their weights and volumes, and, where practicable, the recyclability of thetypes of products, packages, wrappings and containers which compose theprincipal amounts of the litter collected. The products whose packages,wrappings and containers constitute the litter shall include, but not belimited to the following categories:
1. Food for human or pet consumption;
2. Groceries;
3. Cigarettes and tobacco products;
4. Soft drinks and carbonated waters;
5. Beer and other malt beverages;
6. Wine;
7. Newspapers and magazines;
8. Paper products and household paper;
9. Glass containers;
10. Metal containers;
11. Plastic or fiber containers made of synthetic material;
12. Cleaning agents and toiletries;
13. Nondrug drugstore sundry products;
14. Distilled spirits; and
15. Motor vehicle parts.
(1987, c. 234, § 10-277.3; 1988, c. 891; 1995, c. 417.)