§ 10.1-1425.12. Pollution prevention assistance program.
The Department shall establish a voluntary pollution prevention assistanceprogram designed to assist all persons in promoting pollution preventionmeasures in the Commonwealth. The program shall emphasize assistance to localgovernments and businesses that have inadequate technical and financialresources to obtain information and to assess and implement pollutionprevention measures. The program may include, but shall not be limited to:
1. Establishment of a pollution prevention clearinghouse for all availableinformation concerning waste reduction, waste minimization, source reduction,economic and energy savings, and pollution prevention;
2. Assistance in transferring information concerning pollution preventiontechnologies through workshops, conferences and handbooks;
3. Cooperation with university programs to develop pollution preventioncurricula and training;
4. Technical assistance to generators of toxic or hazardous substances,including onsite consultation to identify alternative methods that may beapplied to prevent pollution; and
5. Researching and recommending incentive programs for innovative pollutionprevention programs.
To be eligible for onsite technical assistance, a generator of toxic orhazardous substances must agree to allow information regarding the results ofsuch assistance to be shared with the public, provided that the identity ofthe generator shall be made available only with its consent and trade-secretinformation shall remain protected.
(1993, c. 459; 1994, c. 169.)