§ 10.1-1425.8. Department of Transportation; authority and duty.
The Department of Transportation is authorized to conduct recycling researchprojects, including the establishment of demonstration projects which userecycled products in highway construction and maintenance. Such projects mayinclude by way of example and not by limitation the use of ground rubber fromused tires or glass for road surfacing, resurfacing and sub-base materials,as well as the use of plastic or mixed plastic materials for ground or guardrail posts, right-of-way fence posts and sign supports.
The Department of Transportation shall periodically review and revise its bidprocedures and specifications to encourage the use of products and materialswith recycled content in its construction and maintenance programs.
The Commonwealth Transportation Commissioner may continue to provide for thecollection of used motor oil and motor vehicle antifreeze from the generalpublic at maintenance facilities in the County of Bath. The CommonwealthTransportation Commissioner may designate the source of funding for thecollection and disposal of these materials.
(1990, c. 616; 1993, c. 801; 1994, c. 419; 1995, c. 109; 1996, c. 290.)