§ 10.1-1426. Permits required; waiver of requirements; reports; conditionalpermits.
A. No person shall transport, store, provide treatment for, or dispose of ahazardous waste without a permit from the Director.
B. Any person generating, transporting, storing, providing treatment for, ordisposing of a hazardous waste shall report to the Director, by such date asthe Board specifies by regulation, the following: (i) his name and address,(ii) the name and nature of the hazardous waste, and (iii) the fact that heis generating, transporting, storing, providing treatment for or disposing ofa hazardous waste. A person who is an exempt small quantity generator ofhazardous wastes, as defined by the administrator of the EnvironmentalProtection Agency, shall be exempt from the requirements of this subsection.
C. Any permit shall contain the conditions or requirements required by theBoard's regulations and the federal acts.
D. Upon the issuance of an emergency permit for the storage of hazardouswaste, the Director shall notify the chief administrative officer of thelocal government for the jurisdiction in which the permit has been issued.
E. The Director may deny an application under this article on any grounds forwhich a permit may be amended, suspended or revoked listed under subsection Aof § 10.1-1427.
F. Any locality or state agency may collect hazardous waste from exempt smallquantity generators for shipment to a permitted treatment or disposalfacility if done in accordance with (i) a permit to store, treat, or disposeof hazardous waste issued pursuant to this chapter or (ii) a permit totransport hazardous waste, and the wastes collected are stored for no morethan 10 days prior to shipment to a permitted treatment or disposal facility.If household hazardous waste is collected and managed with hazardous wastescollected from exempt small quantity generators, all waste shall be managedin accordance with the provisions of this subsection.
(1986, cc. 492, 563, § 10-279; 1988, c. 891; 1992, c. 463; 2004, c. 442.)