§ 10.1-1434. Additional powers and duties of the Board.
A. In addition to its other powers and duties, with regard to hazardous wastethe Board shall have the power and duty to:
1. Require that hazardous waste is treated, stored and disposed of properly;
2. Provide information to the public regarding the proper methods ofhazardous waste disposal;
3. Establish procedures, where feasible, to eliminate or reduce thedisproportionate burden which may be placed on a community in which islocated a hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facility, by anymeans appropriate, including mitigation or compensation;
4. Require that the Department compiles, maintains, and makes available tothe public, information on the use and availability of conflict resolutiontechniques so that controversies and conflicts over the local impacts ofhazardous waste facility siting decisions may be resolved by negotiation,mediation or similar techniques;
5. Encourage, whenever possible, alternatives to land burial of hazardouswastes, which will reduce, separate, neutralize, recycle, exchange or destroyhazardous wastes; and
6. Regulate hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities andrequire that the costs of long-term post-closure care and maintenance ofthese facilities is born by their owners and operators.
B. In addition to its other powers and duties, with regard to certificationof hazardous waste facility sites the Board shall have the power and duty to:
1. Subject to the approval of the Governor, request the use of the resourcesand services of any state department or agency for technical assistance inthe performance of the Board's duties;
2. Hold public meetings or hearings on any matter related to the siting ofhazardous waste facilities;
3. Coordinate the preparation of and to adopt criteria for the siting ofhazardous waste facilities;
4. Grant or deny certification of site approval for construction of hazardouswaste facilities;
5. Promulgate regulations and procedures for approval of hazardous wastefacility sites;
6. Adopt a schedule of fees to charge applicants and to collect fees for thecost of processing applications and site certifications; and
7. Perform any acts authorized by this chapter under, through or by means ofits own officers, agents and employees, or by contract with any person.
(1986, c. 492, §§ 10-287, 10-290; 1988, c. 891.)