§ 10.1-1436. Site approval criteria.
A. The Board shall promulgate criteria for approval of hazardous wastefacility sites. The criteria shall be designed to prevent or minimize thelocation, construction, or operation of a hazardous waste facility fromresulting in (i) any significant adverse impact on the environment andnatural resources, and (ii) any significant adverse risks to public health,safety or welfare. The criteria shall also be designed to eliminate or reduceto the extent practicable any significant adverse impacts on the quality oflife in the host community and the ability of its inhabitants to maintainquiet enjoyment of their property. The criteria shall ensure that previouslyapproved local comprehensive plans are considered in the certification ofhazardous waste facility sites.
B. To avoid, to the maximum extent feasible, duplication with existingagencies and their areas of responsibility, the criteria shall reference, andthe Board shall list in the draft and final certifications requiredhereunder, the agency approvals required and areas of responsibilityconcerning a site and its operation. The Board shall not review or makefindings concerning the adequacy of those agency approvals and areas ofresponsibility.
C. The Board shall make reasonable efforts to reduce or eliminate duplicationbetween the criteria and other applicable regulations and requirements.
D. The criteria may be amended or modified by the Board at any time.
(1986, c. 492, § 10-292; 1988, c. 891.)