§ 10.1-1439. Briefing meetings.
A. Not more than seventy-five nor less than sixty days after the delivery ofthe notice of intent to the host community, the Board shall conduct abriefing meeting in or in reasonable proximity to the host community. Aquorum of the Board shall be present. Notice of the date, time, place andpurpose of the briefing session shall be prepared by the Board and shallaccompany the notice of intent delivered pursuant to subdivision 1 ofsubsection C of § 10.1-1437 and shall be included in the notice publishedpursuant to subdivision 2 of subsection C of § 10.1-1437.
At least one representative of the applicant shall be present at the briefingmeeting.
The Board shall adopt procedures for the conduct of briefing meetings. Thebriefing meeting shall provide information on the proposed site and facilityand comments, suggestions and questions thereon shall be received.
B. The Board may conduct additional briefing meetings at any time in or neara host community, provided that at least fifteen days in advance of ameeting, notice of the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting isdelivered in writing to the applicant, each member of the governing body andto all owners of property adjoining the proposed site.
C. A stenographic or electronic record shall be made of all briefingmeetings. The record shall be available for inspection during normal businesshours.
(1986, c. 492, § 10-295; 1988, c. 891.)