§ 10.1-1451. Enforcement of article and regulations.
The Department of State Police and all other law-enforcement officers of theCommonwealth who have satisfactorily completed the course in HazardousMaterials Compliance and Enforcement as prescribed by the U.S. Department ofTransportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, Office ofHazardous Materials Transportation, in federal safety regulations and safetyinspection procedures pertaining to the transportation of hazardousmaterials, shall enforce the provisions of this article, and any rule orregulation promulgated hereunder. Those law-enforcement officers certified toenforce the provisions of this article and any regulation promulgatedhereunder, shall annually receive in-service training in current federalsafety regulations and safety inspection procedures pertaining to thetransportation of hazardous materials.
(1986, c. 492, § 10-306; 1988, cc. 14, 891.)