§ 10.1-200.1. State park master planning.
A. The Department shall undertake a master planning process (i) for allexisting state parks, (ii) following the substantial acquisition of land fora new state park, and (iii) prior to undertaking substantial improvements tostate parks. A master plan shall be considered a guide for the development,utilization and management of a park and its natural, cultural and historicresources and shall be adhered to closely. Each plan shall be developed instages allowing for public input.
Stage one of the plan shall include the development of a characterization mapindicating, at a minimum, boundaries, inholdings, adjacent property holdings,and other features such as slopes, water resources, soil conditions andtypes, natural resources, and cultural and historic resources. The stage oneplan shall include a characterization of the potential types of uses fordifferent portions of the parks and shall provide a narrative description ofthe natural, physical, cultural and historic attributes of the park. Thestage one plan shall include the specific purposes for the park and goals andobjectives to support those purposes.
Upon completion of a stage one plan, a stage two plan shall be developed bythe Department which shall include the potential size, types and locations offacilities and the associated infrastructure including roads and utilities,as applicable. Proposed development of any type shall be in keeping with thecharacter of existing improvements, if appropriate, and the natural, culturaland historic heritage and attributes of the park. The stage two plan shallinclude a proposed plan for phased development of the potential facilitiesand infrastructure. The Department shall project the development costs andthe operational, maintenance, staffing and financial needs necessary for eachof the various phases of park development. Projections shall also be made forthe park's resource management needs and related costs. The projections shallbe made part of the stage two plan.
Upon completion of the stage two plan, the stage one and stage two plansalong with supporting documents shall be combined to form a master plan forthe park. Development of a park shall not begin until the master plan hasbeen reviewed by the Board and adopted by the Director.
B. All members of the General Assembly shall be given notice of publicmeetings and, prior to their adoption, the availability for review of stageone, stage two and master plans and proposed amendments for substantialimprovements.
C. The master planning process shall not be considered an impediment to theacquisition of inholdings or adjacent properties. Such properties, whenacquired, shall be incorporated into the master plan and their uses shall beamended into the master plan.
D. Stage one and stage two plans shall be considered complete followingreview and adoption by the Director. Stage one and stage two plans may onlybe adopted by the Director following public notice and a public meeting. TheDirector may make nonsubstantial amendments to master plans following publicnotice. A master plan or a substantial amendment to a master plan may only beadopted by the Director after considering the recommendations of the Boardfollowing public notice and a public meeting.
E. The Department shall solicit and consider public comment in thedevelopment of the stage one and two plans as well as the master plan and anyamendments thereto.
F. Master plans shall be reviewed and updated by the Department and the Boardno less frequently than once every five years and shall be referenced in theVirginia Outdoors Plan.
G. Materials, documents and public testimony and input produced or taken forpurposes of park planning prior to January 1, 1999, may be utilized in lieuof the process established in this section provided that it conforms with therequirements of this section and that a master plan shall be developed thatconforms with this section which shall not be deemed complete until reviewedand approved in accordance with subsection D.
H. The planning process contained in this section satisfies the Department ofGeneral Services master planning requirements for lands owned or managed bythe Department of Conservation and Recreation. The Department of Conservationand Recreation's Facility Development Plans shall continue to meet theDepartment of General Service's requirements.
I. For purposes of this section, unless the context requires a differentmeaning:
"Development of a park" means any substantial physical alterations withinthe park boundaries other than those necessary for the repair or maintenanceof existing resources or necessary for the development of the master plan.
"Substantial acquisition" means the purchase of land valued at $500,000 ormore or the acquisition of the major portion of land for a new state parkwhichever is less.
"Substantial improvement" means physical improvements and structures valuedat $500,000 or more.
(1998, c. 780.)