§ 10.1-203. Establishment, protection and maintenance of Appalachian Trail.
A. The Appalachian Trail shall be developed and administered primarily as afootpath, consonant with the provisions of the National Trails Systems Actapplicable to the Appalachian Trail as part of the National Scenic TrailsSystem, and its natural scenic beauty shall be preserved insofar as ispracticable. The use of motorized vehicles by the general public along thetrail is prohibited, and violation of this prohibition shall constitute aClass 1 misdemeanor. However, the owner of private land over which the trailpasses may use or authorize use of motorized vehicles on or across the trailfor purposes incident to ownership and management of the land and theDepartment may authorize use of the trail by motorized emergency vehicles.The Department may permit other uses of the trail and land acquiredhereunder, by the owner of adjoining land or others, in a manner and forpurposes that will not substantially interfere with the primary use of thetrail. Furthermore, the Department may grant temporary or permanentrights-of-way across lands acquired under this section, under terms andconditions deemed advisable. Nothing in this section shall limit the right ofthe public to pass over existing public roads which are part of the trail, orprevent the Department from performing work necessary for forest fireprevention and control, insect, pest and disease control, and the removal ofdamage caused by natural disaster. The Department may enter into cooperativeagreements with agencies of the federal government or with privateorganizations to provide for the maintenance of the trail. A person who hasgranted a right-of-way for the trail across his land, or his successor intitle, shall not be liable to any user of the trail for injuries suffered onthat portion of the trail unless the injuries are caused by his willful orwanton misconduct.
B. The Department is authorized to (i) enter into written cooperativeagreements with landowners, private organizations and individuals and (ii)acquire by agreement, gift or purchase land, rights-of-way and easements forthe purpose of establishing, protecting and maintaining a walking trailright-of-way across the Commonwealth, under such terms and conditions,including payment by the Department of property taxes on trail lands orproperty so acquired or subject to such use, as shall protect the interestsof the actual or adjacent landowners or land users and as shall further thepurposes of this section. Any department or agency of the Commonwealth, orany political subdivision, may transfer to the Department land or rights inland for these purposes, on terms and conditions as agreed upon, or may enterinto an agreement with the Department providing for the establishment andprotection of the trail.
(1971, Ex. Sess., c. 136, § 10-21.3:1; 1972, c. 413; 1984, cc. 739, 750;1988, c. 891.)