§ 10.1-209. Definitions.
Whenever used or referred to in this article, unless a different meaningclearly appears from the text:
"Fund" means the Natural Area Preservation Fund.
"Dedication" means the transfer to the Commonwealth of an estate,interest, or right in a natural area by any manner authorized in § 10.1-213.
"Instrument of dedication" means any written document by which an estate,interest, or right in a natural area conveys formal dedication as a naturalarea preserve pursuant to the provisions of § 10.1-213.
"Natural area" means any area of land, water, or both land and water,whether publicly or privately owned, that retains or has reestablished itsnatural character, though it need not be completely natural and undisturbed;or which is important in preserving rare or vanishing flora, fauna, nativeecological systems, geological, natural historical, scenic or similarfeatures of scientific or educational value benefiting the citizens of theCommonwealth.
"Natural area preserve" means a natural area that has been dedicatedpursuant to § 10.1-213.
"Natural heritage resources" means the habitat of rare, threatened, orendangered plant and animal species, rare or state significant naturalcommunities or geologic sites, and similar features of scientific interestbenefiting the welfare of the citizens of the Commonwealth.
"Program" means the Virginia Natural Heritage Program.
"Owner" means any individual, corporation, partnership, trust orassociation, and all governmental units except the state, its department,agencies or institutions.
"Registry" means an agreement between the Director and the owner of anatural area to protect and manage the natural area for its specified naturalheritage resource values.
"System" means the state system of natural area preserves establishedunder § 10.1-214.
(1989, c. 553.)