§ 10.1-217.2. Administration of Foundation; appointment and terms of board oftrustees.
A. The Foundation shall be governed and administered by a board of trustees,consisting of 16 members as follows: two members of the House of Delegates,one of whom shall be a member of the House Committee on Agriculture,Chesapeake and Natural Resources and one of whom shall represent SurryCounty, appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates; two members ofthe Senate, one of whom shall be a member of the Senate Committee onAgriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources and one of whom shallrepresent Surry County, appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules; theCommissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the Director of theDepartment of Conservation and Recreation who shall serve ex officio withoutvoting privileges; and 10 nonlegislative citizen members appointed by theGovernor, subject to confirmation by the General Assembly, as follows: onemember shall be appointed after conferring with the board of supervisors ofSurry County, which member may be either a member of the board of supervisorsor from the county at large; one member shall be appointed after conferringwith the dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at VirginiaPolytechnic Institute and State University; and eight members shall beappointed from the Commonwealth at-large. Legislative members, theCommissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and the Director of theDepartment of Conservation and Recreation shall serve terms coincident withtheir terms of office. Members appointed by the Governor shall serve terms offour years. Vacancies occurring before the expiration of term shall be filledfor the unexpired term. All members appointed may be reappointed.
B. Trustees of the Foundation shall be reimbursed for all reasonable andnecessary expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties onbehalf of the Foundation. Such reimbursement shall be paid from the ChippokesPlantation Farm Foundation Fund.
C. The Foundation shall elect from its membership a chairman, vice-chairman,and such other officers as it deems appropriate.
D. The chairman of the Board, the treasurer, and any other person designatedby the Board to handle the funds of the Foundation, shall give bond, withcorporate surety, in such penalty as is fixed by the Governor, conditionedupon the faithful discharge of his duties. The premium on the bonds shall bepaid from funds available to the Foundation.
(1977, c. 57, § 3.1-22.8; 1978, c. 399; 1984, c. 750; 1986, c. 390; 1988, c.182; 2006, cc. 516, 556; 2008, c. 860.)