§ 10.1-217.3. Purpose of Foundation; establishment of Chippokes PlantationModel Farm and the Agriculture and Forestry Center.
The purpose of this Foundation shall be to plan, manage and provide financialand material resources and technical assistance for the development,maintenance and operation of the Chippokes Plantation Model Farm and theAgriculture and Forestry Center, which shall be established at ChippokesPlantation State Park, or a portion thereof, subject to the approval of theDirector of the Department of Conservation and Recreation. The model farmshall be a working farm of diversified operation, utilizing modern practiceswhich shall display and interpret for the public the daily activities offarming and contribute to the public's knowledge of agricultural production.The model farm may be operated under a lease or contract between the Directorof the Department of Conservation and Recreation and the Foundation.
The Foundation will provide interpretation of day-to-day activities of farmlife and the transition of agricultural and forestry equipment and practicesduring the past three centuries through the Agriculture and Forestry Center,sawmill, antique farm and forest equipment displays and best managementpractices for agriculture. The consent and approval of the General Assemblyshall not be required therefor.
(1977, c. 57, § 3.1-22.9; 1984, c. 750; 1986, c. 390; 2008, c. 860.)