§ 10.1-2003. Terms of members; vacancies.
The members of the Board shall be appointed for terms of five years each,except that the initial appointments to the Board shall be for such terms ofless than five years as may be necessary to stagger the expiration of termsso that the terms of not more than seven members expire in any one year.Members of the Board may be suspended or removed by the Governor at hispleasure and the unexpired term of any member shall lapse upon his failurefor any reason to attend four consecutive regular meetings of the Board. Theinitial appointments of members for terms of less than five years shall bedeemed appointments to fill vacancies. No person shall be eligible to servefor or during more than two successive terms; however, any person appointedto fill a vacancy may be eligible for two additional successive terms afterthe term of the vacancy for which he was appointed has expired. The membersof the Board shall receive no salaries.
(1988, cc. 707, 891; 2001, c. 163.)