§ 10.1-2009. Powers and duties of Board.
A. The Board is hereby authorized:
1. To manage, control, maintain and operate the Museum and to provide for theerection, care and preservation of all property belonging to the Museum;
2. To appoint the Director of the Museum, and prescribe his duties and salaryand to employ such deputies and assistants as may be required;
3. To prescribe rules and regulations for the operation of the Museum,including, but not limited to, the kinds and types of research, instructionand exhibits, and the making of plans for expansion of the Museum;
4. To employ planning consultants and architects in relation to expansion ofthe Museum;
5. To acquire by purchase, gift, loan or otherwise land necessary forestablishment and expansion of the Museum, and exhibits and displays;
6. To enter into agreements with institutions of higher education in Virginiato work cooperatively on research projects of mutual interest and benefit;
7. To establish a foundation to assist in fund raising efforts to supplementthe state funds provided to the Museum;
8. To enter into contracts for construction of physical facilities;
9. To enter into contracts approved by the Attorney General to further thepurposes of the Museum;
10. To adopt a seal, flag or other emblems; and
11. To charge for admission to the Museum, if deemed appropriate.
B. With prior annual written approval of the Governor, the Board of Trusteesof the Virginia Museum of Natural History may supplement the salary of theDirector of the Museum from nonstate funds. In approving a supplement, theGovernor may be guided by criteria that provide a reasonable limit on thetotal additional income of the Director. The criteria may include, but neednot be limited to, a consideration of the salaries paid to similar officialsat comparable museums of other states. The Board shall report approvedsupplements to the Department of Human Resource Management for retention inits records.
(1988, cc. 707, 891; 2004, c. 870.)