§ 10.1-2117. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Biological nutrient removal technology" means technology that willtypically achieve at least an 8 mg/L total nitrogen concentration or at leasta 1 mg/L total phosphorus concentration in effluent discharges.
"Chesapeake Bay Agreement" means the Chesapeake Bay Agreement of 2000 andany amendments thereto.
"Eligible nonsignificant discharger" means any publicly owned treatmentworks that is not a significant discharger but due to expansion or newconstruction is subject to a technology-based standard under § 62.1-44.19:15or 62.1-44.19:16.
"Fund" means the Virginia Water Quality Improvement Fund established byArticle 4 (§ 10.1-2128 et seq.) of this chapter.
"Individual" means any corporation, foundation, association or partnershipor one or more natural persons.
"Institutions of higher education" means any educational institutionmeeting the requirements of § 60.2-220.
"Local government" means any county, city, town, municipal corporation,authority, district, commission or political subdivision of the Commonwealth.
"Nonpoint source pollution" means pollution of state waters washed from theland surface in a diffuse manner and not resulting from a discernible,defined or discrete conveyance.
"Nutrient removal technology" means state-of-the-art nutrient removaltechnology, biological nutrient removal technology, or other nutrient removaltechnology.
"Point source pollution" means pollution of state waters resulting from anydiscernible, defined or discrete conveyances.
"Publicly owned treatment works" means a publicly owned sewage collectionsystem consisting of pipelines or conduits, pumping stations and force mains,and all other construction, devices, and appliances appurtenant thereto, orany equipment, plant, treatment works, structure, machinery, apparatus,interest in land, or any combination of these, not including an onsite sewagesystem, that is used, operated, acquired, or constructed for the storage,collection, treatment, neutralization, stabilization, reduction, recycling,reclamation, separation, or disposal of wastewater, or for the final disposalof residues resulting from the treatment of sewage, including but not limitedto: treatment or disposal plants; outfall sewers, interceptor sewers, andcollector sewers; pumping and ventilating stations, facilities, and works;and other real or personal property and appurtenances incident to theirdevelopment, use, or operation.
"Reasonable sewer costs" means the amount expended per household for sewerservice in relation to the median household income of the service area asdetermined by guidelines developed and approved by the State Water ControlBoard for use with the Virginia Water Facilities Revolving Fund establishedpursuant to Chapter 22 (§ 62.1-224 et seq.) of Title 62.1.
"Significant discharger" means (i) a publicly owned treatment worksdischarging to the Chesapeake Bay watershed with a design capacity of 0.5million gallons per day or greater, (ii) a publicly owned treatment worksdischarging to the Chesapeake Bay watershed east of the fall line with adesign capacity of 0.1 million gallons per day or greater, (iii) a planned ornewly expanding publicly owned treatment works discharging to the ChesapeakeBay watershed, which is expected to be in operation by 2010 with a permitteddesign of 0.5 million gallons per day or greater, or (iv) a planned or newlyexpanding publicly owned treatment works discharging to the Chesapeake Baywatershed east of the fall line with a design capacity of 0.1 million gallonsper day or greater, which is expected to be in operation by 2010.
"State-of-the-art nutrient removal technology" means technology that willachieve at least a 3 mg/L total nitrogen concentration or at least a 0.3 mg/Ltotal phosphorus concentration in effluent discharges.
"State waters" means all waters on the surface or under the ground, whollyor partially within or bordering the Commonwealth or within its jurisdictions.
"Tributary strategy plans" means plans that are developed by the Secretaryof Natural Resources pursuant to the provisions of the Chesapeake BayAgreement for the tidal tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay and the tidalcreeks and embayments of the western side of the Eastern Shore of Virginia.This term shall include any amendments to the tributary strategy plansinitially developed by the Secretary of Natural Resources pursuant to theChesapeake Bay Agreement.
"Water Quality Improvement Grants" means grants available from the Fund forprojects of local governments, institutions of higher education, andindividuals (i) to achieve nutrient reduction goals in tributary strategyplans or applicable regulatory requirements or (ii) to achieve other waterquality restoration, protection or enhancement benefits.
(1997, cc. 21, 625, 626; 1999, c. 257; 2005, cc. 704, 707, 709; 2006, c. 236;2007, c. 924.)